Integrated IRS Forms and Supporting Schedules

Instantaneously auto-populate all necessary IRS forms and supporting schedules. PitBullTax Software has incorporated logic into its forms enabling all data to be automatically calculated as required. PitBullTax Software includes IRS forms: 433-A, 433-A (OIC), 433-B, 433-B (OIC), 433-F, 433-D, 656, 656-L, 13711, 8379, 8857, 12509, 12153, 9423, 9465, 911, 843, 4180, 2848, 8821, 4506, 4506-T, and more being added!

Request E-Signatures in bulk for IRS Forms and Letters

In an agile and secure way our software allows you to request E-Signatures in bulk for IRS Forms and Letters.

Prepare multiple forms simultaneously

Being able to prepare multiple forms simultaneously is a great advantage of the software and allows you to save time in tax resolution.

Preview forms with your client's information

When your client's information arrives into the software, you will be able to preview the forms you need to resolve their tax situation.

Automatically populate forms with your client's information

Upon receipt of your client's data, the software auto-populates the necessary forms for the resolution of your client's tax situation.