Resolution Evaluation

Quickly evaluate if your client is a likely candidate for an Offer in Compromise, Installment Agreement or Currently Not Collective status. Confirm the results of your analysis with the Case Diagnostics and Scenario Simulator tools for even greater accuracy.

Obtain the best course of action based on your client’s data

Based on your client's financial information such as monthly income and expenses, number and age of family members and assets owned, the software determines the best course of action.

Determine the necessary forms to execute the resolution plan

Our intelligent logic determines the necessary IRS Forms to achieve Offer in Compromise, Installment Agreement or Currently Not Collective status.

Compare different resolution options side by side

The software compares different resolution options side by side as follow:
-Offer in Compromise suitability and recommended payment options.
-Installment Agreement recommended monthly amount.
-Currently Not Collectible Status “53” eligibility based on taxpayers´ lack of required income and assets needed to repay their tax liability.